I Hate Peeps
It is a well known fact that I despise everything about Peeps. The way they taste, the way they smell, the way they...taste. Everything about them i hate. But I think at this time I would have to add ONE thing about Peeps that I do have to respect. And that would be: the various ways that people come up with cooking/preparing a peep. It's not just limited to mere microwaving anymore. Cooking/preparing a peep is now a sudo art form.
A few of my favorites include: the peep salad, the Peepjito & Peeparitas, and the Peppers and Peeps Stir Fry. Granted I will never, ever, ever consume any of these, but just the mere fact that someone was creative (and brave) enough to think up and continue testing till the recipe was 'just right' is deserving of a little bit of admiration and maybe even some Propers.
I look forward to the day when Peeps make their way to Iron Chef.
I'm sure more and more skin-crawling concoctions will emerge in the coming years, but I, for one, am at least a little bit excited now for the Easter season. Who cares about some demented rabbit with a hoarding disorder? It's high time we got Elmer Fudd on his kleptomanic tail. Chickens everywhere will thank him for it.
Until then, I guess we'll have to let the Peeps finish themselves off: