November 11, 2003
I think there comes a time in everyone's life when one has to re-inventory what one has and toss out the old and bring in the new. When the old stuff just doesn't cut it anymore, one must look for the new to replace that which was gotten rid of. This is a time=consuming effort but well worth the end result. One ends up happier and healthier because one has found that one has grown and expanded one's horizon. What am i talking about, you might ask ??? Well, I'm referring to the time when one gets tired of one's own CDs and has to explore other areas of intrest. One doesn't necessarily have to discard everything, or even switch styles altogether, but one must explore the various artists out there that are able to speak to one's soul and communicate the feelings that one just cannot express. That's the beauty of music. It's ever-searching and ever-expanding. Trying to bind together those who feel the same in a certain way and express these thoughts and feelings through a common medium. Not everyone feels the same way all the time and at the same time, so when new attitudes and behaviors arise, then I think it appropriate that the music change with it. In this process, one can look back at one's stack of media and view where one was, where one is now, and quite possibly, where one is going from there. It's ok to like what nobody else likes or even not like what everyone else likes. This shows that one is not afraid to be one's self and not give in to the trend of the day. Should one happen to fancy the same thing that everyone else does,well then, that is ok too. That just shows that we are not all so different and can connect at least on some level. So to those who can appreciate the different and unheard of, I give props. Be young, have fun, drink Pepsi.
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