September 15, 2006

Yew Nork, Yew Nork, It's a Tell of a Hown

It's pretty much old news now, but I went to New York a couple weekends ago and it was a blast. Among the more exciting parts that went on were the following:
1) Seeing 'Chicago' on Broadway
2) Seeing eSpencer and a lady pushing a baby stroller almost get killed by a 1,000,000 lb. tie down falling from a Billboard
3) Being witness to eSpencer belly dance to "Hips Don't Lie" in Times Square to the blairing radio of some Roto-Rooter guys
4) Having a 3 man Mariachi Band play ON the subway and witnessing a South American band (complete with drums) play in a Subway station.
5) Seeing the Statue of Liberty and bringing up Peter Venkman's question of wondering "Whether she's naked under that toga. She *is* French. You know that."
6) Walking around Times Square by myself after Midnight and getting the urge to eat KFC.
7) Eating at the Seidfeld resturant.
8) Seeing some people get arrested at Old Navy downtown for shoplifting
9) Going to the Museum of Modern Art and loving the Digital Art display.
10) Having the opportunity to go to the Midtown Comic book store and wishing I were a millionaire, so I could buy everything in the store. Like a bull in a china shoppe, or a baby in a candy store...or something like that

Last, but not least,
11) Spending an obscene amount of $$$ just to make it out of there alive.

It was a good little vacation before starting the school thing again. As such, only 2 semesters to go...

...hope I don't screw up.

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