June 15, 2007

WTF-F-F-F-F-F-F-F ?!?!?!?

I hate Hollywood.
How does one get THIS piece of *crap*:

From this:

Megatron goes from the most deadly gun in existance to some kind of transforming icicle...WTF !!!
AND !!!! How can someone do THIS to Bumblebee:

When he's suppose to look like THIS:

NO ONE can change Bumblebee from his much beloved VW Bug form to a Chevy Camero!!!

Don't EVEN get me started about all the Sell-out-ness that is going on in the new Transformers movie.
1) The Transformers Theme was butcher'd.
2) GMC is using MY beloved Transformers as a platform to SELL CARS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
As Such:
1) Michael Bay is a fag !!!!
2) So is Steven Spielberg
3) The soundtrack sucks balls !!!

1 comment:

Chester B. said...

What would you expect from the man who brought us "Armageddon?"

Sad as it is...