November 14, 2007

Choose your Candidate (click on link)

If you are confuzzled about which candidate to choose next year, or if you just don't know which candidate is right for you, here is a site that may help you in your decision. Run through the questions and you will see where you stand. Here's what I got:

1) Barack Obama: Score 8
2) Hilary "She's a Man, Man" Clinton: Score 8
3) Chris Dodd: Score 7
4) Mitt "Mormon" Romney: Score 6
5) John Edwards: Score 6
6) Rudy "Cross-Dressin" Giuliani: Score 5
7) Duncan "Spy" Hunter: Score 5
8) Joe Biden: Score 5
9) Dennis Kucinich: Score 5
10) Fred "What's going on?" Thompson: Score 4
11) Bill "Bastard" Richardson: Score 4
12) John "Never give up" McCain: Score 4
13) Mike "I <3" Huckabee: Score 4
14) Mike Gravel: Score 4
15) Ron "Reloveution" Paul: Score 3
16) Tom Tancredo: Score 3

Wow, I guess I'm a democrat this time around.

** Disclaimer **
THIS TEST IS NOT MEANT TO BE REAL !!! Don't get on my case because Mitt Romney wasn't chosen for me or because Hilary Clinton was my number 2. I DON'T GIVE A RAT'S @$$ WHO WINS !!! Whether it be the Brown Government elections or the White Government elections, they are all the same and I don't care one way or the other how it all ends up. They all suck !!!

Have a nice day :)


Leah said...

Your apathy is inspiring.

Chester B. said...

I'm writing your name in, Jay.

Tiff said...

I was a little disappointed when I couldn't figure out how to get this to work. I guess I'll have to go back to the old way of choosing.

BTW...did you notice who won the game on Saturday? ;)

Love ya!

Tiff said...
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Jay said...

I noticed that that one school that is obsessed with the color blue beat that other school what is obsessed with the color red.

What manner of oblong ball-type game were they playing???

Tiff said...


Fat eSpence said...

I'm going to sign you up for team mitt, team hillary, obama girl, et al and pledge you for a donation of $200. That will teach you to be apathetic.