January 26, 2009

Rime of the Odyssey

The Longest Road Trip Of My Life

Scene 1: Facebook IM

you should go see Slumdog

come tend anna

i'm actually gonna fly to Utah on the 8th
but i'm gonna drive back to Arizona that same day

eff you

i thought i should tell you now so you can get over it before 2010


i'm driving back with my roommate
he's moving down and i'm gonna drive down with him
cause i need a road trip

you hate road trips

i hate road trips when i have to go through Zions National Park
did i ever tell you about the Longest Road Trip of My Life ?

i don't care

well, it all began as an innocent road trip between 3 friends and a goal to see the Red Sox play in Arizona
now, the trip started with a certain baby crying everytime she saw me
i will call this baby, naan
as we were headed to somewhere-ville utah
i had to sit forward because naan would cry everytime she saw me
there was nothing i could do
i just had to sit forward, out of sight of naan
it was ok, i didn't mind
i just got back spasms and a dislocated shoulder because of it
after we dropped off naan and her mom, lets call her mardell
(names have been changed to protect the innocent)

im not listening
or reading

well, mardell was married to a jerk of a friend named Marc Buchanan (notice the name was NOT changed)
to continue...
we dropped of mother and child
and we continued on our journey
well, MARC BUCHANAN thought he was soooo fancy-schmancy that he wanted to follow his installed GPS
he would not take directions from anyone
he would only listen to GPS
if GPS told him to drive thorough Canada before going to Arizona
he would have

well, in his defense, the gps is a hell of a lot better then indian smoke signals, which is what the brown guy in back suggested

well, as we journeyed along, GPS told MARC FRIGGIN' BUCHANAN to turn north and drive through Zions National Park
and, as MARC 'I WANNA SHOW OFF MY NEW FANCY GPS' BUCHANAN, turned north to drive toward Zions, the 2 other passengers tried ever so tenderly to suggest that there is another way
the co-pilot, Pyler, even suggested we not drive through Zions
and we proceeded to not only drive through Zions National Park, but we even paid for the privilage of adding another hour and another 500 miles to our already Donner Party-esque journey
after 1000 switchbacks, a caravan of 4000 cars ahead of us, and 10000000 caves to go through
we finally braved Zions National Park
and we continued on our way to Arizona to see if would could catch at least the last inning of already mentioned Red Sox baseball game
but lady luck smiled upon the 2 forsaken passengers
and, disspite MARC 'I'M GONNA DO WHAT I WANNA DO' BUCHANAN heckling and dictator-like driving
we were able to catch more than half of the game
Providence was with us
as the game finished, we took our journey northward
back to utah
but THAT journey was not without setbacks
it seemed Providence went to the bathroom as the 2 weary passengers and MARC 'I'M GONNA PEE EVERY 5 MILES' BUCHANAN trekked back to utah
it seemed that there was something in the drink that MARC 'I'M THE COOLEST SO EVERYONE BETTER LISTEN TO ME' BUCHANAN had that caused him to have to stop every 5 miles to go to the bathroom

no one is listening

it was like clockwork
5 miles...pee
another 5 miles...pee
Pyler and I patiently waited with every stop
they saw that they had to apply what they learned at the feet of Fishop Breestone
-long suffering
had they not learned these qualities at Fishop Breestone's lessons, they never would have made it back to utah
it was uncanny how much this journey mirrored Odyssus's journey back from Troy to his home in Ithica
but, alas, the journey was made
Pyler and I and even MARC 'I'M NOT LISTENING TO THIS ULTRA COOL STORY BECAUSE IT'S ALL TRUE' BUCHANAN made it back safely and soundly to utah to continue their lives
for having made their journey
the end...?


kat said...

you two have a relationship built on affection, courtesy and respect and i applaud you for it.

Marc said...

I was misquoted several times throughout this narrative. Don't believe any of it!!!

Fat eSpence said...

This is hilarious. I miss you guys

Em said...

Hahaha! Smoke signals... :) That's cigaweed! You better have glaucoma!

I had the same issue when I tried my first Red Bull on the trip with you to Seattle. Maybe it wasn't the Red Bull. Maybe it was you.

I'm gonna open up a bag of chips...