May 14, 2003

In the Spirit of ESPN's Chris Berman 10 Plays of the Day or Dave Letterman's Top Ten list (whichever you are most familiar with) I would like to give you Jay's Top Five Most Outstanding Events Since Moving Home. Some of the stories are funny, some are weird, some are just cool:

5: My sister and I were cruising Downtown Alburqurque. We had just finished eating at the NYPD (New York Pizza Dept.) and were going to the mall. While sitting at a stop sign and jamming out to one of the local Hip-Hop stations, I happened to notice an old, grungy looking fellow talking to himself. I guess our radio was quite loud because he was dancing while we was walking past us. I turned off the music to see if I could hear what he was saying. When I did this, he almost immediately turned toward us and then started laughing. My sis. and I looked at each other and started laughing. My sister's only comment was," What a weirdo."

4: My sister and I went to the local singles ward on sunday. It was only good for a few laughs. We walked in during the first song and were waiting for the sacrament. While singing the sacrament song we just so happen to notice that the piano player was playing the song slower than normal. When my sister and I noticed this, we looked at each other and started to chuckle. Not only was the song slow but we were able to have a whole conversation during the last half of the last verse. I think that there were others who fell asleep during the song too. It was probably a good thing that we were laughing because at the pace the song was going, we would both have been passed out and the sacrament passers would have had to kick us to wake us up. Needless to say, I'm going to be going to the home ward from now on.

3: One night while I was in my room reading a book, winding down from a day of cleaning, my sister knocks on my door and says that there is a lady at the door. I got up and went to check it out. There was lady, I would say in her late 40's, who was standing at our door. She said that she needed a ride home. Apparently, she and her boyfriend got in a arguement and he was probably drinking. She got out of the car and starting running. She ended up at our house and was looking for a ride home. It was around or a little after 11PM. I had to give her props for making it to our door, because 1) we had all our outside lights off, so it was hard to see 2) we had 4 dogs running around our house who love to bark at everything (we only have one now) and 3) We live out in BFE and it's a little bit away from the road, so it takes a little bit of effort to get to our house. Needless to say, my sis. and I drove her home. That's only the second time that has happened to me. The first time was when my Bro. and I had to drive a drunk guy to the church that is down the road from our house when I was younger. But that's another story.

2: Along the same lines as the last story, there was a red Toyota, just like my truck, that was sitting on the road that leads to our house. There were two guys out there. My aunt, who lives right next to us, sent her daughter over to tell me to go check it out. I went and found two old guys there. The car was stuck in the sand that is along the side of the road. The driver was standing next to the car. When I drove up I asked what the problem was. He said that the car wouldn't start. He and the other guy wanted a ride to a town that was 7 miles away. I asked if his truck was broken and if i could fix it for him so that he could be on his way. He said his car wouldn't start. I got the key and, what do ya know, the car started the first try. He said that they wanted a ride anyway, they were stuck. So I went to my cousins house and he and I went back to pull his car out of the sand. We did but they still wanted a ride to the next town. But as we were pulling the car out, some other kids in a truck came by and agreed to take the two old guys to the next town. We left the truck at the next intersection and said that they could pick it up there when they got back. I figure that they were either drunk or taking some funky meds. Either way, they were weird and kinda creepy.

1: My sister and I were up at 11 PM on another evening finishing a day of cleaning the house. We were winding down to a game of DDR. We had just razor bladed the kitchen stove. By this I mean that we took the stove apart and cleaned all the grime and junk with razor blades. Well, after a few hours of that, we were done for the day. I'm not very good at DDR but my sister is a genius. We were both tired but I managed to pull myslef together long enough to pull off a 98 combo before the game was over. It was my first time getting a such a high score...ok, ok, It was on Basic mode but still I got the 98 Combo and that is what matters. I was proud of myself. I went to bed happy and seeing DDR arrows.

Well, there you have it. The top 5 most outstanding events that have happened since I've come home. The summer is still young so there is bound to be more wacky stuff that happens.

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