September 17, 2003


The ICOT (or International Council of 'Them') is alive and very much well. This I learned today while in my Calculus class. Members of the ICOT are very powerful and their influence goes far beyond our awareness and even into the very details of our exsistance. The ICOT control everything from the letters that we recieve in the mail to the internet connection we use to the very blogs that we write. Allow me to illustrate:
Example A:
Have you ever been late for an important event that just happened to be either across town or even in another town and caught every red light between point A and point B ?!? or got caught in traffic that may you so rediculously late that no excuse in the world would help?!? This was the doings of the ICOT.

Example B:
Have you ever left your keys or homework or shoes somewhere in your apartment or home knowing you would return to it only to find that the thing you left suddenly disappeared and you could not find it till the next day ?!? This was the ICOT.

The ICOT has such an impact in the little details of our lives that we can't even do math without their involvment. While learning the definition of a limit I found that there is one part of limits that only the ICOT controls. This is my epsilon . This control over such an important number in limits forces me to pick a delta that is less than the Epsilon. This infuriates me!!! Why do I have to be bound by such rules ?!? Why can't I even pick my own Epsilon?!? I'm sure that's why the ICOT named this 'limits', giving them power over our very homework.

Mel Gibson in 'Conspiracy Theory' made mention of the ICOT, in his own way. He talks about 'they'. "That's what they, they start when you're young, y'know. When you're little they, at school they, they Baden-Powell all the boys and they Betty Crocker all the girls and they, then they air condition ya' and put ya' in the Heat N' Bake Oven and ya' can't breathe any more"...the ICOT.

I think I've made my point. So if ever something happens uncontrollably and unexpectedly, it might be the ICOT.

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