September 7, 2003

In gospel essentials today, we talked of the talents that we were given in the time before this life. I was paired with someone who has become familar a few of my habits and tendencies. While in the midst of discussing, I found that I have a talent for, and I quote, "Sinful Behavior". I found this rather interesting\intriguing\hilarious. I do have to admit a bit of irreverance is rather enjoyable, but I don't think that merits 'a talent for sinful behavior'. Maybe I was curious as a child, slightly mischievious in adolescents, and perhaps high school and college held some rambunctious days, but I think it's all good. I mean, when you think about it, if everyone followed all the rules ALL the time, then we might end up with something that resembles a world like in the movie 'Demolition Man'...boring, dry, and full of radio stations that played only vintage commercials, like the Oscar Meyer weiner song. Variety is the spice of life.

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