October 11, 2003

Important points that must be addressed:

1) Some people have too much time on their hands and too many braincells. The Smurfs are a cartoon. They neither promote nor condemn communism or witchcraft. They are cute little blue elves that have cool adventures. They may have a communistic lifestyle and use magic, but only for the good of the community and for the simplicity of their story.

2) The US national team was robbed of The Cup. Stupid refs...they always ruin everything.

3) To the sorrow of all who were regular visitors, the Hulk finished his blog so he could pursue other life experiences. I guess even the Hulk has to grow, just like the rest of us.

4) Although a very excellent story, wonderfully put together, and extremely funny in its referrances to other films, 'Kill Bill: Vol. 1' was just too too unnecessarily violent. I love the stories that Quintin Tarantino puts together and they way his films are thought out and produced, but the 'on Screen' images that are conveyed to the viewers are rather disturbing and very graphic. I probably won't be seeing Vol. 2 just for the fact that it will be just as graphic. I would love to see how the story plays out though.

5) After viewing the trailer for Matrix: Revolutions, these theories are becoming valid. But I guess the only true test is to see the actual movie. But theories are candy for the mind.

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