Finals are over officially. Now I have time to play more video games, read more books, and sleep in late. There are a few chores that must be done first: Move the eSpencer out and get him married and stuff, clean my apartment, get my christmas shopping done, work on my car, and try to sell the books I couldn't sell to the bookstore online. All in all, I'd say it was a good semester. I kicked my own butt more to get into the library, I went on some really cool road trips, I survived my stats class, and I got some cool stuff for my birthday.
This time of year, we have a chance to look back on our year and see where we sucked it up and hope to do better. This time of year, we have an opportunity to make a resolution to ourselves to try to do better. Some of us actually do what we promise to ourselves, but for most of us it ends up being an empty promise. In that light, I offer some helpful New Year's resolutions that are fun and easy to apply and you won't feel at all bad if you don't fulfill them because they aren't that big but you will feel good because you will have talked yourself into believing that you actually did what you promised to yourself and either way you could rationalize that you did do them and feel good for the rest of the year. (wow, that was a big sentence, I'm going to have to take a nap)
So here is a list of New Year's resolutions that you could use and feel good:
I Resolve to...
1) Eat more cereal.
2) Think about making my bed more often.
3) 'Ponder more deeply' the talks given in sacrament meeting, even if that involves closing my eyes to concentrate harder.
4) Honk or yell one less time at people who don't know how to drive.
5) Honk or yell ten more times at people who are talking on their cell phones WHILE driving.
6) Since I didn't do it this past year, I will vote in the new year, even if it involves deciding which of the Taco Bell menu items is healthiest, that's still voting.
7) At least have the courage to raise my hand in class even though I don't.
8) Look more and maybe even say 'Hi' to that cute someone.
9) See Star Wars: Episode III at least once in the theaters.
10) Quote Napoleone Dynamite, Tommy Boy, or Adam Sandler more at work/school/home.
Enjoy the new resolutions. Happy Christmas and a Merry New Year to you.
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