It's that time of year again. It's Finals Weeks. And how did I start my finals week???.... I stayed in bed till 10 o'clock, listening to the radio, because when I'm in the middle of taking my Stats final and my Physics Final, I know I'm going to need happy thoughts to get me through them.
This finals week is also made more grim by the leaving of a really good friend at the end of the week so that he can get himself some eternal lovin'. He has left it to me to be the President of the Anti-Love Squad and also the only Ward Heckler to follow in the wake of B. Stifelmeyer, the Original W.H. There are a few potentials but no one that can recreate the J&S show.
But the light at the end of the tunnel includes no school for a couple weeks, all the video game playing/ reading time that I want, and a possible long-@$$ road trip to San Deigo.
So this one goes out to all you studying-till-the-wee-hours, last-minute-cramming, faith & hope-mustering, finals takers. Good Luck to you...don't fail to badly.
And remember, there's always next semester.
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