May 22, 2005

I did something this weekend that I haven't done since I was a 12. I'm actually surprised that I still had it in me to do it and not care about the logic or rational behind it.

As I was walking through the food section of wal-mat I happened down the cereal aisle and caught a view of a cereal on the top shelf, where they keep the 'overflow' cereals, and on impulse, bought a box of Corn Pops. I haven't had Corn Pops in a long time but this is not why I bought it. I saw the toy inside before I saw the actual box. So on a whim, I bought Corn Pops for the toy: An Episode III lightsaber spoon.

I haven't purchased a cereal purely for the toy inside since I was a kid and only ate Ninja Turtle cereal, which I'm sad that they don't make anymore. So now, I type this with my Green lightsaber spoon sitting by me. This will go great with the Darth Vader watch that Kat got me for opening night.

I saw the R2D2 bowl as well and was really tempted to get it too, but you have to mail in for that one. I still might . . .

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