December 29, 2008


(at least one version of being tagged)

8 Shows I watch:
1) Attack of the Show
2) Simpsons
3) Family Guy
4) Futurama
5) South Park
6) Heroes
7) Girls Next Door
8) Star Trek: TNG

8 things I did yesterday:
1) Bought 7 movies
2) Watched V:the mini series
3) Watched Stand By Me
4) Helped purchase chicken
5) Had Tithing settlement
6) Slept
7) Got M&Ms thrown at me whilst I slept
8) Made $24,000,000

8 places I like to eat:
1) In-n-Out Burger
2) RA
3) Outback
4) Steph & Lisa's
5) Del Taco
6) Harkins Theaters
7) Heart Attack Grill (pending)
8) Alice Cooper's Town (pending)

8 things I am looking forward to:
1) Make level 50 on myspace Mafia Wars
2) Moving in with Derek
3) Getting an iTouch/PSP
4) Turning 29...again
5) Getting my laundry done
6) Sleep
7) Eating at Alice Cooper's Town
8) Eating at Heart Attack Grill

8 things on my wish list:
1) a new car (sorry Jane)
2) a MacBook Pro (thank goodness for my employee discount)
3) an iTouch or PSP
4) Billy Mays off tv FOREVER
5) also that dumb Glade commercial mom off tv too (OMG, they SUCK !!!!)
6) my ACL back
7) a Blu-Ray player
8) find my heiress wife

8 people I tag: (do i even know 8 people???)
1) Marc
2) eSpencer
3) Janna
4) Micaela Ray
5) Lisa
6) Crystal
7) President-elect Obama
8) Bender Bending Rodríguez

December 14, 2008

Be of Good Cheer

Befriend a Geek from White October on Vimeo.

Tis the season

December 1, 2008

You heard it here 2nd

Well, the time has come for viruses to hit the Apple Environment. Just today in iMac training we were using a small program to crash our computers and try to figure out how to fix it. But on the wider scale, Apple has released a support page encouraging the use of Anti-Virus software (multiple softwares even) to protect against the growing threat of Malware.

Mac OS: Antivirus Utilities support page.

Funny thing is, we in the tech industry knew this day would come for a while. Just yesterday, someone in class remarked how easy it would be to crash an entire Mac system with a simple bash script, since we all know the Mac OS is built on the Unix OS.

This brings up 2 interesting points:
1) Regardless of how you feel about the whole Mac vs. PC contention, PCs have had years of experience of dealing with Malware and the current defenses have been tuned to adjust to the growing number of Malware in existence and under development/soon to be developed. You might say that the Mac world might almost have to thank PCs for developing such sophisticated softwares to fight against Malware, and changing a bit of coding in order to allow Macs to join the show already in progress.

2) Must see TV

So, if you own a Mac you might want to start investing the money you DIDN'T spend on Norton in years past into getting some Norton to protect your CPU. (Notice I said Norton, NOT McAFEE!!!)

And to answer your question, Yes, that actually IS what I do for Apple (for those that watched the entire episode).

November 4, 2008

I missed LOST for THIS?!?

It's election night and Barack Obama just won the presidency. I very much enjoyed the graceful speeches from both candidates:

John McCain
In his speech, he said all the right things. It was very diplomatic and well worded. The cynic in me was thinking the entire time, "How much of what he is saying does he REALLY believe?" And at the same time, it was slightly annoying at how his supporters were actually Boo-ing at the very mention of Obama's name. Classy.

Barack Obama
Needless to say, Historic. It was very inspiring, excellently contrasted past struggles and current mindsets, and it incorporated very well his chosen statement "Yes, We can". As the camera panned the crowd, it picked up the O and the Emperor of all Black people. At such time, I tended to think:
1) How much in the O's mind does she think that she won the election for Obama? (Source 1) (Source 2)
2) Does one really want the Emperor's support, now that he's been determined to be crazy? (Video 1)
(p.s.: as i just wrote the last line, Katie Couric was talking about JUST that same topic)
Regardless of these two supporters, Obama still won. Big middle fingers to those 2. .!.. ..!.

Now that the speeches are over. It was time to start surfing the News Networks to get all the Post-Game commentaries.

While trying to appear objective, I'm sure they were all thinking, "DAMMIT!!! LET'S GET A RECOUNT". Anderson Cooper looking dapper and Wolf Blitzer trying to say something historic for his collection of Wolf Blitzer Historic Soundbite Library.

Brian Williams did his best to keep the crowd watching and give the visiting guest ample time to talk. I watched the Obama's victory speech on this channel and did very well in their coverage. They are, to me, the Pepsi of News networks: for some reason, I always turn to them. Maybe because it was one of the few channels we got in clearly at my house growing up. Besides, the Today show always kicks Good Morning America's ass.

BBC America
Very interesting to watch their reactions to the new President. Mostly because they didn't really try to be Politically Correct. Rather than tire themselves with the mouthful statement "African-American", they always said, "Black": "First black President", "He's Black", etc. Understanding that most of the world never really had a Civil Rights movement in their respective countries, it was just an interesting contrast between other US news networks and the BBC.

Comedy Central
Sadly, I wasn't able to get John Stewart and Steven Colbert's take on the Presidential speeches. However, in my perusing of Comedy Central, there were playing the exact episode of South Park that I referenced earlier.

(Weird. I must be saying something relevant.)

Anyway, am I glad that Obama won? Yes. Cliche' as it may sound, it really is time for change.

Was this election really THAT important? Yes. I know this because my sister ACTUALLY cared about what was going on and ACTUALLY did something about it. She least, that's what she said she did. Proof positive that this election really did touch people on a personal level.

What happens now? I can sleep soundly now that all the regular TV programs and news networks will not need to cover ANY MORE ELECTION COVERAGE. Now it's on to try to avoid all Christmas music and continue to wonder when it will end, the early-putting-out-of-Christmas-paraphernalia-before-the-previous-holidays-are-actually-over.

September 16, 2008


I was gonna post an extremely long and extremely interesting post on the Large Hadron Collider and how it proves that there is a God.

But then i came across this:

How To Get The IT Department To Do Their Actual Job

It was much more entertaining and much more true.

July 31, 2008

Another Virus WARNING

Another new Virus is hitting the Interweb: Storm Worm.

cNet Info.

You would be wise to give it a read.

June 27, 2008

My Sister at an MSI concert

After years and years of fighting her way to the front at every concert she has ever attended, my little sister finally made it on stage. Actually singing this time too. Other times, she's only gotten to watch from back stage. It only cost $20, some bruising, and, I'm sure, a sore throat. But in the end, she got come pics, a YouTube video, and put on the backstage list for the next night's show.

Funny kid.

Mindless Self Indulgence feat. my lil' sister in 'Faggot'

It's not much, but IT'S FREAKIN' HILARIOUS

May 31, 2008

I just had McDonald's today...

MickyD's experiment

...I'm gonna go spew now.

The story

So I had a 30 minute break for lunch today. I happened to drive my car to work today (funny story in itself), so I decided to go find a Del Taco that I saw the previous night. With such a limited time frame and the price of gas being as it is, I couldn't drive around for too long. So my initial Del Taco run was unsuccessful and the only thing left on the way back to work was a McDonald's.

I hadn't had anything from there for about a couple years (no, really. It's been a couple years) so I figured that the previous trip's food was completely out of my system. So I decided to take my life in my own hands again and get some MickeyD's for lunch. After ordering the #10 combo (Chicken nuggets, fries, and Coke), I texted my sister that I was having a nice dose of nitrates from McDonald's for lunch. She said, "Eew".

And as I was eating my "food", I got curious and was wondering what a more detailed description of Nitrates were. So after finishing work and sitting at my computer for a while, I ran out of things to wonder, so I turned to my previously stated curiosity of Nitrates. After reading up on the chemical composition and properties of nitrates (this took my back to my Chem 111 days), I did a google search of McDonald's food and Nitrates. The first link took me to this video and I remembered the life threatening experiment by Morgan Spurlock from 'Super Size Me' (which, at the same time, got me excited to see his new film 'Where in the world is Osama bin Laden') and how bad McD's food really is.

Now I feel the need to get an In-N-Out burger just to tell my stomach "I'm sorry for betraying you to the Whore of All Fast Foods".

Funny Site to ask questions on all things McDonald's I especially love the questions about the chicken nuggets and how many times the full list of ingredients keeps getting listed.

May 29, 2008

Disabling IPv6 from Windows Vista

from: Chicago Tech
Unlike Windows XP, IPv6 in Windows Vista cannot be uninstalled. However, you can disable IPv6 in Windows Vista by doing one of the following:
1. Run regedit.
2. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\tcpip6 \Parameters\DisabledComponents. If you don't see DisabledComponents, create it by adding the following registry value (DWORD type).
3. Change one or some values:
1 = Disable tunnel interfaces
2 = Disable 6to4
3 = Disable ISATAP
8 = Disable Teredo
16 = Disable LAN and PPP interfaces
32 = Set preference of IPv4 over IPv6
255 = Disable IPv6 completely

1) You must restart the computer for the changes to the DisabledComponents registry value to take effect.
2) This method disables IPv6 on all your LAN interfaces, connections, and tunnel interfaces but does not disable the IPv6 loopback interface. You must restart the computer for this registry value to take effect.

1. Open the properties of the LAN.
2. Clear the check box next to the Internet Protocol version 6 (TCP/IPv6) component in the list under This connection uses the following items.

This method disables IPv6 on your LAN interfaces and connections, but does not disable IPv6 on tunnel interfaces or the IPv6 loopback interface.

Should I disable IPv6 on Vista
Q: My Vista have some incompatible issue with the router. Should I disable IPv6 on Vista?
A: It is not recommended to disable IPv6. If you disable IPv6,...

Chicago Tech NetForums

May 18, 2008

The Square Root of 3

The funniest poem ever written.
This one's for the math nerd in us all...

It's better than the limrick:
Integral Limerick
Integral z-squared dz
from 1 to the cube root of 3
times the cosine
of three pi over 9
equals log of the cube root of 'e'.

for more math fun: Click Here

April 17, 2008

So i moved to arizona, gilbert-ville. Its been warm and sunny and delightful. I seem to have overcome my fear of water (KAT!) and have spent more time by the pool in my apartment complex. It has nothing to do with all the bikini girls that hang out there (MARC!) but I think it has something to do with 'doing as the romans do'.

Some highlights have included, but are not limited to:
1) In-n-out burger within a stones throw from my apartment.
2) A golf course/driving range within 3 minutes of my apartment.
3) A new job within the same stones throw from my apartment.
4) My big ass bedroom that is the size of my last apartment's living room.
5) A walk in closet that's big enough to hold a full sized elephant.
6) Alice Cooper on the radio every night from 7 to midnight every weeknight on
7) The concerts that have and that are going to be rolling through the Phoenix area.

So, as can be seen, I've been enjoying my time here. The only down side that I can foresee, my car doesn't have air-conditioning. It potentially could, I just ripped the A/C line years ago when I was driving to Utah and fell asleep at the wheel and steered my car into a roadside reflector. Since then, no A/C. But it could happen.

Anyhow, as I've had to opportunity to meet new people, I've come across a range of, shall we say, 'different' people. One of whom is my roommates g-friend. I feel this story needs to be told (with pictures) so as to preserve and define the long evolutionary road that we, as the human race, have taken since we first stepped out of the Primordial human soup.

While at our weekly Johnny Rockets getaway, my roommate Joe, Ritz, and I were joined by Joe's g-friend. In the midst of enjoying Soda Shoppe burgers and the BeachBoys, Joe's g-friend made the statement that she enjoyed ketchup. She REALLY enjoyed ketchup. She's always had a love for ketchup. So much so that she said she would drink it from the bottle if she could. This is all I needed to hear. I had to see this for myself. So in fine Jay fashion, I extended the challenge for her to put her money where her mouth is (rather, put the ketchup where her mouth is) and empty the ketchup bottle before we leave the table. After a little bit of harassment, the challenge was taken and the following pics were captured:
good to the last drop
bottom's up
ketchup drink

I was impressed, we all laughed, and Joe's g-friend promptly finished her diet coke.

April 2, 2008


...not your janitor.

March 28, 2008

My new favorite video from my favorite band.

February 20, 2008

I'm moving. It's about that time for me to wander to other regions of the world and make my fortune. And I will do Arizona.

Utah has been good to me. But now that I'm FINALLY done with school, I go to where the IT jobs are. And warmer weather.

I just got approved for a nice 1 bedroom apartment and I move in the beginning of March. After some mild freaking out, I think I've got most everything lined up for the move. In addition, my brother is also moving. He is going to California to get into the video gaming industry. At least, that's his dream. So there will be Johnson's in almost every state that touches Mexico. (please hold all jokes till the end of class)

So that's it. I'm going to Phoenix, my brother is going somewhere in California, and my sister is doing hair school in New Mexico.

At least my sister will have places to stay whenever she goes to Coachella.

January 31, 2008

Need some help with what's going on ???

Here you go:
2) Talking Points Memo
And for the stat nerd in all of us:

I can be a big kid too.

January 3, 2008

So the new year has started and I've compiled a good list of resolutions that I'm sure you-all can agree on. They are some toughies that, sometimes, takes people their entire lives to overcome. I am going to attempt to overcome ALL of these in ONE (1) year.

I hope I have the strength...

Here we go:
1) Quit Smoking
2) Quit Drinking
3) Cut down on porn traffiking...or at least donate some of the proceeds to an notable charity for that oh-so-lovely tax break
4) Find that Soundwave Transformers toy I left along side the road when I was a kid and visiting Washington state and we got a flat tire and I spent the time sitting on a rock playing with the previously mentioned Soundwave that I had gotten just that very day and somehow left it behind in the excitement tire-fixing and continuing on our journey from Washington to New Mexico.
5) Create the T-Virus
6) Shoot some zombies
7) Create the antidote for the T-Virus
8) Figure out what the hell is going on in Pirates of the Caribbean 3
9) Conquer the Colossal Burger from Acme Burger Company. The only burger I know of that, by itself, is $20.
10) Finish my bodybuilding friend's website.