What I learned last week:
1) While doing a Java program that involved making bank accounts and writing my own classes for them, I got stuck on writing the Transfer method. So I called the TA over to help me figure it out. After examining the code, explaining the logic, and then helping me write it, he told me to compile my code often so that I could check for mistakes and such. This was all well and good and could have ended there...but he didn't. As he stood in the middle of the room, he talked about 'compiling' our own lives so that we might catch the mistakes in our own lives. Rather than 'compile' yearly or monthly, we should 'compile' weekly so that we can say on the strait and narrow. And after his sermon, his final comment was 'We should all compile often'. Then he sat down at his computer and started working again. All I can say is...Only at BYU, could you get something like that and everyone would understand what he was really talking about.
2) In another Java relates events: as I was in this weeks help session, the TA used as his example algorithm a program about pigs. Much like the concept of Tamagotchis, this program determined the pig's breed, weight, and you could feed him, exercise him, steal food from another pig, and kill him if you wanted to. As he explained the code, it was very apparent that he worked with pigs as a child and that he was most likely from Idaho. When I thought on this, I could only shake my head and laugh ...Only a Java programmer could get excited about a pig program. Other TAs used algorithms like Barbie or dating as example algorithms.
3) I really can do good in calculus. After all the studying and rereading sections and working sample problems and being in the Math lab for hours on end, I really can get a good grade. In the past, when all of the aforementioned was undertaken, I would go to the Testing center, take my test, do a *not so well* job and then leave super *not happy* cause all the time and effort I put into studying would not be reflected on the test. But this time, it was different. I actually did good on a calculus test. There IS hope for me yet. I was so excited that I had to put my head phones on, turn my Heavy Metal on full steam, and keep myself from skipping all the way to my apartment from the testing center. I was so *very* happy.
4) Ghetto movies are the best. Just to name a few that I have on my "Coolest Ghetto movies of all time" list.
Barbershop 2
Dangerous Minds
Undercover Brother
White Men Can't Jump
Sunset Park
Just to name a few. Why?, you may ask, I give this list. As cheezy as it may sound, some have been instramental in my motivation. Such as Dangerous Minds keeping me motivated about school. Sunset Park I watched during HS for soccer and kept me going during games and practices and such. And others are just plain hilarious, keeping me going throught this little thing they call life.
I hope this next week was as good as the last. Hope you have a good week too.
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