After watching shows like VH1's "I love the..." series, I got to thinking: If we are now in the 21st century and we are looking back at how quirky and lovable the 80's were, and I'm sure some time in the 201X years we will be looking back and reminiscing how cool the 90's were, I wonder, when it is the 202X years, what today will VH1 showcase when they run their "I love the 2000's" series. Here are some of the things I'm sure they will show:
1) Blogs - This is the season of the blog. Everyone has them, even these people. If the first step was the .com era, and now we are in the blog era, I wonder if the next step is the webcam era, or maybe the hologram message. That would be sweet.
2) Comic book movies - There has been a recient upswing in the number of comic book movies that have been made, that are currently being made, and that are in the works to be made. It's a great time to be alive if you are a comic book fanboy, like I am. Now I'm sure there will be more badly made comic book movies then there will be good comic book movies made, but whether good or bad, I'm glad they are being made. Not like when I was a kid and would spend most of my lunchtime in mid-school thinking who would be good to fill my favorite comic book movies and that would be the topic of discussion the rest of the day.
3) The flip flop fashion - I'm sure in the year 202X, we will be looking back and wondering, "What was I thinking ?!?! wearing flip flops everywhere I went. . ." This might be on the same plane as those jelly shoe things or maybe even the stirrup pants. I wonder what the trendy footwear of the 2020's will be?
4) Lance Armstrong's 7 Tour de France victories - I'm sure that he will hold the record for quite some time. But I wonder what will be more memoriable about him: His 7 vicories, his successful bout with various cancers, or his leaving his WIFE in order to be with Sheryl Crow.
5) the Rubber Band braclet - Inspired by the previously mentioned item, the yellow Lance Armstrong 'LiveStrong' rubber band braclet has inspired it's own current fashion trend. Everyone from grocery stores, universities, banks, and non-profit organizations has resorted to advertising their ideas through a piece of colored rubber that people find so facinating. I admit, I have 2 on myself, and people are always interested to see what is written on them. One I purchased because it was for a good cause, the other I found in one of my friend's car and I happened to put it on and not have yet taken it off. How will that look in the year 202X.
and finally,...
6) Coldplay - For some reason, everybody loves this band. All I've heard for the past while is how great the new Coldplay album is and that I should go pick it up. I admit, they are a good band and I have heard a few of their songs, but I don't think I would ever go buy their album, not when I have my 80's and 90's CDs that I'm still trying to catch up with. Maybe by the year 202X I'll finally come around to picking up the new Coldplay album. By then, it should be in the $4.99 and up bin.
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