August 4, 2005

Last Trip Before School:

I did it !!! I booked a flight for Washington DC and I'm excited. I've never been to the eastside. The furthest east I've ever been is Illinois but that was just barely over the Mississippi river (Quad Cities) and I was a missionary. But this the Nations capital. I'll get to see the Wall, Arlington, Ghettos-burg, and possibily the While House. That will be so friggin' sweet. Thank goodness for William Shatner and for making my last summer trip a good one.

I will be hanging out with the eSpencer and I will have more opportunity to hit on My Janna. The only possible down side is that the eSpencer is trying to set me up on a blind date with some Navajo chick that lives in his ward (to those readers who don't know me that well, I'm Navajo too, so don't get all offended and stuff). She has the same name as the wife of Joseph Smith, beloved Prophet of the LDS church. And she is something like 18 yrs. old. So far, I have only agreed to meet her, maybe shake her hand at church or something. But the eSpencer can already see the wedding and the kids and the whole nine yards. D'oh. Anyway, I'd rather see Honest Abe than some blind date girl. But, who knows, right ??

So this will be the last cool thing I do before school starts and I spend the rest of the semester in the computer lab and the IT lab, programming and writing up labs.

Where's Charles S. when I need him ????

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