July 18, 2003

Ok, so I decided that I still don't like this place. The Farmington/Fruitland area has ABSOLUTLY NOTHING to do...well, if you drink the fire water, your car resembles something from "the Fast and the Furious", or you have a farm/ranch, THEN you have something to do. But for the rest of us, there is NOTHING!!!!! So I've gone back to my old childhood habit of summertime house cleaning and movie watching. But this past month, I've really slacked off. I've dropped all but 3 things.... my job, my church calling, and running. Other than that, I've been a bum, or as one of my friends said, a Returned Missionary Bum.

I think it's time for me to "Get Back on the Horse" and make the rest of this summer somewhat productive.

Reciently, I started to work again on the EDC website. I haven't worked on it in a long time and have already missed my "Launch Date". So I think it's high time I got this sucker completed.
Also, I started what's going to be a long time project, fixing up my dad's '83 GMC truck. This thing is a monster, a sleeping dragon, if you will. This thing has been sitting for a long time and, consequently, has obtained a rather nice collection of sand in the engine area. This thing was a beast in it's prime, now I'm just hoping to at least get it running by summer's end. I think this one will be a project covering a few summers.
And finally, there are a few books that have been left unread and a few untouched. This is a problem that must be remedied soon. Everytime I go to a book store I always get excited to read something new and different, but then I end up with unread books and unfulfilled goals. It's time to Stop the Insanity !!!!!!

With only a just over a month left till school starts, I'm not sure how I'm going to do all this. It's times like these that I curse my ADD and Performance-based Esteem. BLARG !!!!!!

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