January 4, 2004

Total movie count for this holiday break: 21

not in any particular order:
3) the Missing
4) Resident Evil
5) Queen of the Damned
6) the Craft
7) Better Luck Tomorrow
8) Blade 2
9) Star Wars: Episode 2
10) Life is Beautiful
11) Amelie
12) Victory
13) Underworld
14) Interview with the Vampire
15) Something's got to Give
16) Pride & Prejudice
17) Scary Movie 3
18) Bram Stoker's Dracula
19) Pirates of the Carabbean
20) As Good as it Gets
21) School of Rock

With honorable mentions for incompletion to:
a) How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days
b) Wayne's World
c) Wayne's World 2
d) Jimmy Neutron
e) Nurse Betty

But I didn't completely rot my brain. I got in some good DDR time.
And also read:
1) Interview with the Vampire
2) A Child called 'IT'
3) the Great Gatsby
4) Dante's Inferno

And am currently reading:
1) the Vampire Lestat
2) Jane Eyre

All in all, It was a good vacation. Hope you enjoyed yours as much as I did mine....... LET SCHOOL BEGIN !!!!!

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